How To Setup Gameify Blogger Template

Gameify Gaming Blogger Template
Gameify Blog & Magazine Gaming Blogger Template is a professional blogger / blogspot theme. Gameify has advanced and totally exclusive features that will take your website to the highest level of excellence compared to other templates available for blogger.

Gameify Bloggger Template is very fast and fully optimized for SEO, which can help you to significantly improve your website results on Google search engine and other services. And, of course, Gameify is compatible with AdSense and is also optimized for mobile devices.

Gameify Blogger Template is perfect for gaming blogs, videos, tech news sites and other diverse niches, as it is fully customizable, allowing you to create your own unique design in a few clicks without editing any line of code.

Maybe this can help you!

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Edit Icon > in the Header Logo (Header) gadget.

Widget Settings:

main logo

Header Description

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Edit Icon > in the Header Logo (Description) gadget.

Widget Settings:

Social Icons (Header)

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Edit Icon > in the Social Icons gadget.

Supported Icons: blogger, facebook, facebook-f, twitter, rss, youtube, skype, stumbleupon, tumblr, vk, stack-overflow, github, linkedin, dribbble, soundcloud, behance, digg, instagram, pinterest, pinterest-p, twitch, delicious, codepen, flipboard, reddit, whatsapp, telegram, messenger, snapchat, email, discord, share, external-link

Widget Settings:

Main Menu

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Edit Icon > in the Main Menu gadget.

Normal Link and DropDown Options:

Homepage Link Example: Add the text and in the site url field add {homeIcon} or {homeText}
Normal Link Example: Features
SubLink Level 1 Example: _Level 1 "Before the Title add 1 underscore"
SubLink Level 2 Example: __Level 2 "Before the Title add 2 underscore"

Widget Settings 01:

Widget Settings 02:

ALERT: Level 2 Links must be between or below level 1 links.

MegaMenu Options:

Shortcode: {getMega} $label={Your Label}
Shortcode Label: label or recent

What are Label?

Shortcode Example: {getMega} $label={Xbox}

Widget Settings 03:

SAVING: After adding all the desired links and organizing them in the correct position, click on the Save Button.

Header ADS

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Add a Gadget > HTML/JavaScript, Image or AdSense > in the section Header ADS.

HTML/JavaScript Example:

ad example

Featured Posts

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Add a Gadget > HTML/JavaScript > in the Featured Posts section.

Shortcode Structure: {getFeatured} $label={Your Label}
Shortcode Label:  label or recent
Shortcode Example: {getFeatured} $label={Xbox}

Widget Settings:

Main Posts

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Edit Icon > in the Main Posts/Blog Posts gadget.

Widget Settings:

blog posts

Recent Posts Headline: Replace text for hide to remove the headline

Table of Contents

This function is available for posts and pages and can be added easily via shortcode.

Shortcode: {tocify} $title={Table of Contents}

NOTE: After adding a Shortcode apply the Bold style.


In-Article ADS on "Post Page"

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Add a Gadget > HTML/JavaScript, Image or AdSense > in the sections Post ADS 1 ( before content ) and Post ADS 2 ( after content ).

HTML/JavaScript Example:

ad example

Move Post ADS 1 and Post ADS 2 to inside the post content:

Sortcode ADS 1: $ads={1}
Sortcode ADS 2: $ads={2}

NOTE: After adding a Shortcode apply the Bold style. Example: $ads={2}


ads inside posts content

IMPORTANT: The ad will only appear if you have inserted in the section, if you want to hide just remove check to not display or remove the gadget. 

Author Box

The widget receives the blogger profile informations automatically, As long as your profile is marked as public. The icons are displayed if there are links in the introduction.

Supported Icons: blogger, facebook, facebook-f, twitter, rss, youtube, skype, stumbleupon, tumblr, vk, stack-overflow, github, linkedin, dribbble, soundcloud, behance, digg, instagram, pinterest, pinterest-p, twitch, delicious, codepen, flipboard, reddit, whatsapp, telegram, messenger, snapchat, email, discord, share, external-link

Blogger Settings: Go to

Find for Additional Information > Introduction > and add your description with HTML links.

HTML Link: <a href="Your Link Here">Icon Name</a>
HTML Link Example: <a href="">facebook</a>

IMPORTANT: The "Introduction" is required for the author box to be displayed! But the links are not required. 

Social Icons on Sidebar

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Add a Gadget > Link List > in the Sidebar section.

Supported Icons: blogger, facebook, facebook-f, twitter, rss, youtube, skype, stumbleupon, tumblr, vk, stack-overflow, github, linkedin, dribbble, soundcloud, behance, digg, instagram, pinterest, pinterest-p, twitch, delicious, codepen, flipboard, reddit, whatsapp, telegram, messenger, snapchat, email, discord, share, external-link

Widget Settings:

Post Widgets on Sidebar

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Add a Gadget > HTML/JavaScript > in the Sidebar section.

Shortcode: {getWidget} $results={Number of Results} $label={Your Label}
Shortcode Results:  You must add the desired number of results
Shortcode Label:  label, recent or comments
Shortcode Example: {getWidget} $results={3} $label={Xbox}

Widget Settings:

Facebook Page Plugin

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Add a Gadget > HTML/JavaScript > in the Sidebar sections.

NOTE: To add the Page Plugin, you will need to install the facebook SDK on your blog, how to install it by clicking here.

Add This Code:

<div class="fb-page" data-href="YOUR FACEBOOK PAGE URL" data-width="500" data-small-header="false" data-adapt-container-width="true" data-hide-cover="false" data-show-facepile="true" data-lazy="true"></div>
INFO: Replace "data-href" content with your facebook page address, and click save

Footer ADS

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Add a Gadget > HTML/JavaScript, Image or AdSense > in the section Footer ADS.

HTML/JavaScript Example:

ad example

About Section

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Edit Icon > in the About Section gadgets.

1.1 - About Us

1.2 - Follow Us

Supported Icons: blogger, facebook, facebook-f, twitter, rss, youtube, skype, stumbleupon, tumblr, vk, stack-overflow, github, linkedin, dribbble, soundcloud, behance, digg, instagram, pinterest, pinterest-p, twitch, delicious, codepen, flipboard, reddit, whatsapp, telegram, messenger, snapchat, email, discord, share, external-link

Widget Settings:

Footer Copyright (Premium)

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Edit Icon > in the Footer Copyright gadget.

Widget Settings:

Footer Menu

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Edit Icon > in the Footer Menu gadget.

Widget Settings:

Cookie Consent

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Edit Icon > in the Cookie Consent gadget.

Widget Settings:

cookie consent on blogger / blogspot

Site Feed

Access your blog Settings > and go to Site Feed.

Site Feed Settings:

IMPORTANT: For Mega Menu, Featured Posts, Related Posts, Recent Comments and Others load normally, you must configure the site feed to "Full".

Theme Options

1.1 - Facebook SDK

The Page Plugin as well as facebook comments only work if you have the Facebook SDK installed on your theme. See below for the steps to acquire and install the Facebook SDK.

Get SDK:

Step 01: Go to and click on Get Code button and copy the SDK Script.

Copying SDK:

SDK en_US:

Installing SDK:

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Edit Icon > in the Theme Options > Facebook SDK gadget.

Widget Settings:

1.2 - JSON Variables

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Edit Icon > in the Theme Options > JSON Variables gadget.

  noThumbnail: "",
  relatedPostsNum: "3",
  cookieExpiresDays: "7",
  followByEmailText: "Subscribe to our mailing list to get the new updates!",
  commentsSystem: "blogger",
  disqusShortname: "templateify-comments",
  dateFormat: "{m} {d}, {y}",
  months: {
    jan: "January",
    feb: "February",
    mar: "March",
    apr: "April",
    may: "May",
    jun: "June",
    jul: "July",
    aug: "August",
    sep: "September",
    oct: "October",
    nov: "November",
    dec: "December"

noThumbnail: default is
relatedPostsNum: default is 3
cookieExpiresDays: default is 7
followByEmailText: default is Subscribe to our mailing list to get the new updates!
commentsSystem: blogger, facebook, disqus or hide, default is blogger.
disqusShortname: If you add the disqus form, you will then have to add the username of your form, default is templateify-comments
dateFormat: default is {m} {d}, {y}
months: default is January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

NOTE: To add the Facebook Comments, you will need to install the facebook SDK on your blog, how to install it by clicking here.

Widget Settings:

How to Customize This Theme?

Access your blog Theme > and click on the Customize button > and find Background and Advanced options.

Available customizations: Theme Options, Widths, Fonts, Backgrounds, Colors and more.

Background Example:

Advanced Background Options:

Background Image Size Cover: 0 is false and 1 is true.

This option will adjust the image to the screen size. (Do not use this option if you intend to use a small image that will be repeated)

Advanced Theme Options:

Native Dark Mode: 0 is false and 1 is true.

Left Sidebar: 0 is false and 1 is true.

Advanced Theme Widths:

Boxed Layout: 0 is false and 1 is true.

Advanced Theme Fonts and Colors:

Advanced Post Options:

Post Breadcrumbs: 0 is false and 1 is true.
Comments Count: 0 is false and 1 is true.
Post Navigation: 0 is false and 1 is true.

Video Tutorial